Initiatives and Projects
Anyone can express the "Strength of Counterculture" and participate taking cultural influence on the European Capital of Culture - according to that motto: "Initiatives to participate":
Art in action
Dancing out of the line
Information about any upcoming actions can only be communicated due direct inquiry - confidentially. Over the actions happened in the past you can get an impression in the photo series.
Counterculture 2024
Would you have expected that behind the scenes of the touristic facade? Art against the tradition! Creators and works that do not fit into the picture are presented here soon.
We for us
Alternative creatives from the Salzkammergut introduce themselves to the topic of COUNTERCULTURE 2024 to draw attention to their work in this region in the course of the project "Artculture Provincial". Creators from all areas are now invited to participate, please get in contact with the subject "Un-artig".
Opinions (Share them!)
The Capital of Culture 2024 - the top topic? Let it all out …
Share your opinion (anonymous) with the art world and Dr.SADoG via mail. Of course, ideas and suggestions for further initiatives are also welcome, such as numerous and dedicated participation in current actions!